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brother German

См. также в других словарях:

  • brother-german — Brother Broth er (br[u^][th] [ e]r), n.; pl. {Brothers} (br[u^][th] [ e]rz) or {Brethren} (br[e^][th] r[e^]n). See {Brethren}. [OE. brother, AS. br[=o][eth]or; akin to OS. brothar, D. broeder, OHG. pruodar, G. bruder, Icel. br[=o][eth]ir, Sw. &… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Brother german — German Ger man, a. [OE. german, germain, F. germain, fr. L. germanus full, own (said of brothers and sisters who have the same parents); akin to germen germ. Cf. {Germ}, {Germane}.] Nearly related; closely akin. [1913 Webster] Wert thou a leopard …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Brother german — Broth er ger man (Law) A brother by both the father s and mother s side, in contradistinction to a {uterine brother}, one by the mother only. Bouvier. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brother-german — sibling sib ling [sub + ling.] (s[i^]b l[i^]ng), n. a brother or a sister. Note: Siblings have at least one parent in common. Those related only by a common mother are {uterine siblings}; those related only by a common father are {agnate… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brother-german — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun (plural brothers german) Etymology: Middle English brother germain, part translation of Middle English frere germain, from frere brother + germain having the same parents more at german civil law : a brother t …   Useful english dictionary

  • brother-german — noun (plural brothers german) archaic a brother sharing both parents, as opposed to a half brother or stepbrother …   English new terms dictionary

  • brother german — noun a sibling that has two common parents, can also be used for sisters …   Wiktionary

  • German — Ger man, a. [OE. german, germain, F. germain, fr. L. germanus full, own (said of brothers and sisters who have the same parents); akin to germen germ. Cf. {Germ}, {Germane}.] Nearly related; closely akin. [1913 Webster] Wert thou a leopard, thou… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Brother — Broth er (br[u^][th] [ e]r), n.; pl. {Brothers} (br[u^][th] [ e]rz) or {Brethren} (br[e^][th] r[e^]n). See {Brethren}. [OE. brother, AS. br[=o][eth]or; akin to OS. brothar, D. broeder, OHG. pruodar, G. bruder, Icel. br[=o][eth]ir, Sw. & Dan.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Brother Jonathan — Brother Broth er (br[u^][th] [ e]r), n.; pl. {Brothers} (br[u^][th] [ e]rz) or {Brethren} (br[e^][th] r[e^]n). See {Brethren}. [OE. brother, AS. br[=o][eth]or; akin to OS. brothar, D. broeder, OHG. pruodar, G. bruder, Icel. br[=o][eth]ir, Sw. &… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brother of the half blood — Brother Broth er (br[u^][th] [ e]r), n.; pl. {Brothers} (br[u^][th] [ e]rz) or {Brethren} (br[e^][th] r[e^]n). See {Brethren}. [OE. brother, AS. br[=o][eth]or; akin to OS. brothar, D. broeder, OHG. pruodar, G. bruder, Icel. br[=o][eth]ir, Sw. &… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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